Because of our lifestyles and the food and drink we consume, our bodies accumulate toxic waste over time. Storing this poisonous waste in our bodies is not desirable, and it can lead to a slew of health issues down the road.

The colon’s function in the digestive system is to absorb water and nutrients from food after the stomach and small intestine have broken it down. The waste that is left over is then neutralized by the colon, allowing it to pass through your body without causing any harm. In turn, the colon combines bacteria and dietary waste to generate vitamins that the body requires, such as biotin and vitamin K.

You are at risk of getting a variety of health problems and illnesses if you do not take care of your colon. Constipation, diarrhea, sleeplessness, migraines, and even depression are all symptoms of a poorly functioning colon. In severe situations, a filthy and poorly functioning colon can lead to colon cancer, which is thought to be the second leading cause of death in the UK, trailing only lung cancer in men and breast cancer in women. This demonstrates the importance of caring for your colon and digestive system, and a few modifications in your lifestyle can help to prevent many different health disorders connected with poor colon function.

Many individuals are unaware of how much hardened fecal matter is stored in their colons, which is why Colonic Hydrotherapy is a tried and tested method of eliminating excess waste and cleansing the colon.

What Exactly Is Colonic Hydrotherapy?

Colonic hydrotherapy has been used for thousands of years and is still used in clinics around the world today. It is a completely natural and safe medication that has been shown to provide a variety of health benefits. Celebrities and people of all ages with various health conditions or none at all routinely enjoy the treatment. You don’t have to be suffering from constipation, diarrhea, or other bowel irritations to benefit from colonic hydrotherapy, since it’s an excellent method to maintain your health and well-being with frequent treatments.

The procedure is essentially an internal bath in which poisonous waste and excess gases are gently flushed out while rehydrating a clogged bowel. Colonic hydrotherapy is the ultimate detox for your body, far more successful than any detox diet or pill that claims to rid your body of toxins.

What Is The Procedure For Colonic Hydrotherapy?

Can your colon survive without this type of treatment?

A little tube called a speculum is gently pushed into the rectum, allowing warm filtered water to enter the colon. When water enters the colon, it provides a brief feeling of fullness, followed by a soothing sensation when the colon is emptied. 

The speculum enables the safe entry of water as well as the release of waste and pollutants. The treatment is performed numerous times, and the therapist will massage your abdomen to ensure that the colon is well-cleansed. 

The therapy typically lasts 30 to 45 minutes and results in a cleaner colon with the release of old fecal waste. The therapist will do a detailed consultation and medical questionnaire before treatment, as well as a thorough explanation of the equipment and method. Most patients are concerned and embarrassed about the treatment and the exposure of their bodies. It is important to note, however, that therapists are properly qualified to do this process and fully grasp the sensitivity and need to maintain the patient’s dignity at all times. This implies that you will be provided privacy to change, and you will only be exposed for a few moments while the speculum is placed into the rectum, following which you will be entirely covered for the duration of the treatment. Rest confident that the waste is always discretely drained away, leaving no mess or smells behind.

Your therapist will propose how many colon cleansing treatments you should have based on the results of your visit. This varies from person to person and might range from one treatment in one to three months to a course of up to six. Following your initial treatments, it is recommended that maintenance be performed every 6 to 12 weeks to keep the colon clear of dangerous waste and to ensure the efficacy of the first few treatments.

What Kind Of Outcomes May I Expect From Colonic Hydrotherapy?

Depending on the purpose of your colonic hydrotherapy, you may benefit from some of the following outcomes:

  • If you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), the treatment has helped to show signs of improvement in symptoms such as constipation, stomach bloating, and trapped gases. There’s no need to fear colonic hydrotherapy interfering with the body’s normal functions because it’s a fully safe and natural means of reducing material build-up.
  • The effects of colonic hydrotherapy on the skin are very noticeable. Because the skin is the largest organ in the body, it can become overburdened by the waste and toxins that accumulate in the gut, resulting in acne or a dull complexion. There is less danger of this happening if all of these toxins are flushed out.
  • Although not precisely a weight loss procedure, colonic hydrotherapy flushes away a mass of hardened feces that can weigh anywhere from 5 to 20 pounds in the average person. As a result, many report fast weight loss following their first treatment, and some see significant weight loss following a successful course of treatment.
  • Bad breath can also be caused by digestive difficulties, thus removing all of the build-up waste and toxins can result in significant improvement.
  • Colonic hydrotherapy can be quite beneficial for persons suffering from chronic fatigue and depression. Internal cleansing has a favorable effect on the mind and has been shown to alleviate stress and help you feel better due to a lower number of toxins in the body.
  • Eczema and psoriasis are two other disorders that can benefit from colonic hydrotherapy since the removal of toxins in the body has a positive effect on the skin.

It’s vital to note that colon cleansing requires maintenance in order to reap long-term advantages, and changes to your lifestyle and eating habits can assist in maintaining your colon in fantastic shape and lower your risk of having any bowel-related health issues.

What Will I Think Of Colonic Hydrotherapy?

Colonic Hydrotherapy is a completely natural and safe practice (for those who are medically fit to receive it) that enhances the body’s natural processes of removing toxic toxins. Having said that, patients may experience some discomfort throughout the treatment, with stomach aches, headaches, and exhaustion being among the most prevalent. If these symptoms appear early in the treatment, it signifies that the body is cleaning itself and emptying out the useless toxins. If symptoms persist following the surgery, they may indicate a very intoxicated and overburdened body. Colonic Hydrotherapy is not a pharmaceutical, therefore keep in mind that it may take some time and a few sessions of treatment to get the full advantages.